
Beever shirt update

Thank you to the anonymous poster who let me know that she/he couldn't get a Beever Cafe t-shirt shipped outside of the U.S.

I did some checking on your behalf and was told that - at least for the moment - overseas shipping isn't something that Logo is set up to do. Unfortunately, that doesn't help you with your t-shirt needs... so I have two suggestions for you:

1. If you have a friend in the U.S., you could ask your friend to order it for you and send it to you.

2. If you don't, then please write to Logo to let them know where you are and that you want a Beever Cafe shirt. If enough people contact them, then they'll know there's a demand and they may be able to find a way to accomodate.

I hope this helps... and I really appreciate your patience. I know a lot of you who read this blog (and the afterellen blogs) live outside the U.S. and Canada, and it must be incredibly frustrating that you can't see the show and can't buy a t-shirt, even though you want to. I'm talking with the folks at Logo about all of this on a regular basis and I know they're working to make everything available worldwide - but in the meantime, please keep sending them emails to let them know where you are and what you want. It really does help, and they really do read them.

I promise to keep you posted if I get any new information for you. Until then, I appreciate your support and your understanding...

Thank you! Thank you!!!


photos, photos, and more photos

The title of the post says it all! Since this will be a bit of a slow week here in the U.S. because of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, I thought it would be the ideal time to post all the photos from all the events I've done recently... Enjoy!

On the red carpet smiling nicely...

But finally, unable to contain myself!

All the Power Up award recipients on the red carpet - and acting respectably... ;-)

With my friend, the fantabulous Michelle Wolff...

Thank you to the lovely and talented Cheryl Mazak for taking these photos and being kind enough to send them to me for the blog!

Me and Megan Cavanagh with our "Exes & Ohs" O's...

This time, with X's...

In between photos, cracking each other up!

Don't we look very Hollywood-ish and fancy?

With Judy Dlugacz, President and Founder of Olivia...

That's me with the awesome Logo marketing/events guru, Chris Wagley (left), writers/columnists Lipstick and Dipstick, aka Gina Daggett and Kathy Belge (center), and Yvonne Behrens, Portland LGFF Operations Manager (right)

If any of you happen to have photos from any other events, feel free to send them my way and I'll happily post them here...

Have a great week!


Beever Cafe shirts

Good news, everyone! You've been asking for them... and Logo has delivered! That's right, I'm talking about Beever Cafe shirts!!!

To order yours, click here!



fear not, faithful viewers!

Episode 5 will be on Logo (and on iTunes and Amazon) next week!

This week was originally scheduled to be a repeat episode for U.S. viewers. I'd actually gotten the memo about that quite a while ago... but sadly, my brain appears to be full so I forgot. :-)

Sorry about that.

But episode 5 of "Exes & Ohs" will return next Monday as usual. I don't know if Showcase is going on this same schedule, so I have no idea if those of you in Canada will get a new episode or a repeat. I guess it will be a surprise!

Thank you all for your excitement and support of "Exes & Ohs." I appreciate it!!!


long time, no post...

Hi everyone... and thank you all for your patience during my travel absence. In the past month, I've been from the west coast (San Francisco, Seattle, Portland) to the east coast (NY) and on an Olivia cruise that took me from San Diego to Puerto Vallarta - all in the name of "Exes & Ohs!"

But I'm back - and today I'm giving you a recap, a what-now, and I'm answering some of your most recent questions. That's a lot to do... so let's get started!

-- In SF, Seattle, and Portland, I got to screen the first two episodes of the show and then answer audience questions... I also filmed one of my afterellen video blogs from my hotel room in Seattle. If you'd like to check it out, click here.

-- In NY, I did radio appearances on the "Ryan & Caroline Show" (ClearChannel Radio) and the "Derek & Romaine Show" (XM Satellite Radio), was interviewed for the NewNowNext Noise video blog, and I got to meet and thank all the talented folks in Logo's NY offices who have helped to put "Exes & Ohs" on the map (and on the air and online). And, of course, I appeared at a Go Magazine event with Margaret Cho and The Cliks!! Here's a photo of all of us together:

Oh, and did I mention that my entire NY trip was only a day and a half???? Whew! I'd have stayed longer, but I had to leave the next day for...

-- The Olivia cruise! I went with Megan Cavanagh (who plays Chris) and we had a great time. Our screening was a HUGE success! We were originally supposed to do it in the ship's screening room, which seats maybe 60 people. When Megan and I first arrived, it was about half full. Then, in the middle of us saying to each other that we really hoped more people would arrive, we turned around and saw that the room was filled... and then standing room only... and then a line out the door!! There were so many people that we had to move our screening to the large theater, where Lili Tomlin had performed on the first night!! It was fantastic... And the folks at Olivia were very kind and took great care of us.

Now I'm back home - and back to work! What does that mean? Well, I'm continuing to do weekly "Exes & Ohs" video blogs for afterellen... they're usually posted on Tuesday mornings and you can check them out on the afterellen site.

I'm also working on a new television project, meeting about some acting projects, and I have a couple of other things in the works that hopefully I'll be able to tell you about very soon... And, of course, I'm getting ready for this Sunday's Power Up awards!! I'm very proud and excited to be one of this year's recipients...

To: Anonymous, who wanted to know how many episodes are in this season.
There are six. In the U.S., episode #5 airs tonight (in Canada, it airs on Thursday). There's no hidden 7th episode... so after you see episode 6, that's it for now. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a second season. As soon as I know, you'll know!

To: Nico_lette, Francyne, Blue, and other readers around the world who don't get the show where they are.
Thank you so much for writing - and I'm sorry you're not able to see the show yet... I've let the folks at Logo know that I'm hearing from you, and I know they're working on making the show available outside of the U.S. and Canada. In the meantime, please send them an email and let them know who you are, where you are, and that you'd like to get "Exes & Ohs." That information will help them a lot! Also, just so you know, the afterellen site does recaps of the show every week that are simply hysterical! So until you can see the show, you can at least keep up with the storylines...

To: Janice, who wants to know when I have time to catch my breath.
Fortunately, I've asked several friends to breathe for me and they've been doing a great job at it, so I'm fine. ;-)

To: Anonymous, who wants to know if I can get Showcase to post additional episodes of "Exes & Ohs" on their site.
Sorry, Anonymous... I wish I could help you, but sadly my tremendously impressive superpowers always seem to be gone the minute I wake up. ;-) However, YOU - yes, YOU! - have your own tremendously impressive superpower... email! The folks over at Showcase are very nice and they appreciate viewer feedback on their shows. So feel free to contact them and tell them that you'd like to see more of "Exes & Ohs" on their site. In the meantime, the great news for you is that you can see all the webisodes on the Showcase site (and on the Logo site as well). A webisode, by the way, is basically a scene that wasn't included in the actual episode that aired on television. So enjoy!

Thank you all for continuing to read this blog and follow along on my journey with me. We've been getting great responses from viewers and critics alike about the show - and I couldn't be more proud. I'll come back later this week to share some of our reviews with you but in the meantime, enjoy the show!

And if you like what you're seeing, please take a moment to let Logo know. The viewer feedback means a lot to them - and to us.