
another response to a comment post...

I just saw a post by "Mania" asking what I do when I lack inspiration...

Well, Mania, let me be honest with you: The idea that I ever lack inspiration is laughable. Ha ha! Hee hee! Ho ho! In fact, it's so funny that I... I...

Ummm... uhhhh.... hmmm... wow, I have no idea how to end that joke... whew.... that's a toughie... okay, let's try again...

In fact, it's so funny that I... that I...

Okay. Well, I guess I do lack inspiration from time to time. So let me try to answer your question...

Some people call lack of inspiration "writer's block;" I call it a sign that I need to shift something. So, that's what I do when I find myself out of ideas: I shift something in what I'm doing. Sometimes that means putting the issue or question aside and moving on to a different part of the story/script; other times that means shutting off my computer altogether and doing something that has nothing to do with writing (such as: going on a hike, reading a magazine, or toilet-papering someone's house).

Point being, I find that banging my head against a metaphoric wall generally isn't helpful... but giving my brain a break really is. And then the answers and ideas end up flowing much easier because I'm not trying to force them.

Anyhow, Mania, I hope that answers your question.

And just in case you're wondering, the toilet-papering someone's house was just a joke. I haven't done that in years. Okay, that's a lie. I did that last night but unfortunately, in the dark, I didn't realize that it wasn't a house I was papering... it was the local police station... and then I was arrested... and, well, that's another story altogether...


the drawing (or, rather, writing) board

Well, folks, we're back at work on "The Rules" pilot presentation! Yours truly has been spending her time writing, re-writing, and re-re-writing a new scene while the rest of the team figures out budgets, schedules, and things of a non-writing nature. Personally, I'm happy to be focused on the writing. :-)

Unlike our experience putting together the original version of the pilot presentation, this time we are not in the hallowed halls of the MTV building; we're working from our respective homes. So instead of staring at the pink and purple MTV walls, being reprimanded by building security for having candles on our desks (okay, I admit it: I was the only one reprimanded), and listening to the same tranquility-inducing CD on repeat for days on end, I'm at home looking at my soothing earthtone walls, enjoying an obscene number of candles blazing away on my desk (actually, there are only two), and listening to the same tranquility-inducing CD on repeat for days on end...

Instead of random visits to my work office by various production folks who want to discuss the winking bunny in the green, green grass, I get random visits to my home office by a meowing cat who wishes I'd brought home the winking bunny in the green, green grass for her to play with (instead, she has to make due with a stuffed mouse and some catnip)...

And instead of mid-day trips to the local corporate eatery, I take mid-day trips to my kitchen (during which I'm generally followed by the aforementioned cat, who prays every day that I'll make a tuna sandwich)...

All of which is to say that this experience is different... and still quite wonderful. We're all excited about the opportunity to do some things that will make this project better (and, yes, more sell-able to the Powers-That-Be). So stay tuned for updates!! I'll have more soon. But now, I must go. I'm sure there's a candle that needs to be lit. Or a cat that needs to be fed.


a brief detour to the proverbial drawing board...

Hi everyone!

First of all, thanks to all of you for your continued support and good wishes.

And now, the update! We had a lengthy call with the network today and the good news is that they love what we've done so far. They're still very excited about our project, but they've asked us to go back and make a few changes to the pilot before they make their final decision. This will involve writing and shooting a new opening scene and re-shooting a couple of existing scenes. Then we'll edit it all together, work with them to incorporate notes, and they'll present that revised version to the Powers That Be for the final decision.

So, we've got some work ahead of us... but it's all good and, in the end, I think the show will be much better for it.

In other words, stay tuned... because more pre-production, production, and post-production updates will be on their way soon!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some scenes to write! :-)


the waiting game...

Wow, it seems I've got my own blog-like version of a chat room going here! I hope you're all enjoying meeting one another. :-)

I'm sure the suspense is killing you... but unfortunately I have nothing to report yet. But as the waiting game continues, I want to thank you all for your continued good wishes and crossed appendages. On behalf of everyone involved with this project, all of that good energy and goodwill is much appreciated. We're hoping to know something by next week... so please put up with the cramped fingers and toes until then. I promise to post any news as soon as I get it!

In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend!!!


no news yet...

No news yet, folks!

We're hoping to hear by the early part of this coming week... so please continue crossing appendages and speaking to the universe on our behalf. :-)

Stay tuned....