
questions answered... a video blog... and an appearance with Margaret Cho and the Cliks!

I have some questions to answer, a video blog to announce, and an appearance in New York very soon... so let's get started!

First of all, to those of you who can't see "Exes & Ohs" in certain parts of the world - I'm so sorry to hear that. :-( If you can't access the show via Logo, iTunes, or Amazon because you're not in the U.S. or Canada, then please, please send an email to Logo and let them know you want to see the show where you are. The more they hear from you, the better!

Also, a few of you had questions about Beever Cafe t-shirts... I don't know if Logo has any plans to sell them, but please send them a message and let them know you want them!!

While the show is on the air, I'm going to be doing a weekly video blog for the afterellen web site. Here's a link to my first one. They'll be posted every Tuesday at www.afterellen.com. And the best part: You can watch them wherever you are in the world!!!! YAY!

And last but certainly not least, I'm going to be doing an appearance next week with comedian Margaret Cho and supercoolband The Cliks. If you're in New York, come on by and help support a great cause!

Happy watching!

greetings again, Canada!

We made our Canadian premiere last night on Showcase... If you're in Canada, I hope you were able to see it - and that you enjoyed the first episode!



"Exes & Ohs" is finally on the air - and I couldn't be more excited!!! I'd meant to post on Monday, which is when we premiered on Logo, but the day was so crazy (as was yesterday) that I haven't had the chance. Thanks for your patience!

Monday was such a great day... it started with an in-studio appearance on the Frank DeCaro show where I got to wear nifty headphones and sit across from Frank's fabulous co-host Doria Biddle. All the radio interviews I've done thus far have been via telephone, so this was my first in-studio. It was a lot of fun. And then the day ended with a cast/crew/friends screening party at a really cool venue in West Hollywood. We took over the entire upper level and the place was packed. I think there will be some photos soon on the Logo web site , so feel free to check there. As you'll see from the photos, it was really great for all of us to get to share the premiere night with our colleagues, friends, and loved ones.

This has been such an incredible journey for me... after early two and a half years of working on this project (not counting the time on the short film), it's now finally on the screen. It's been a labor of love for me - and for everyone who's worked on it. I really hope you all enjoy it.

For those of you in Canada, I hope you'll be watching on Showcase on Thursday night!

For those of you in countries other than the U.S. and Canada (like the very sad Francyne), I have one other suggestion... try downloading via Amazon.

If that doesn't work, then please contact Logo directly to let them know you can't get "Exes & Ohs" and you want it!! Many of the videos on the Logo site aren't available outside the U.S., and apparently that's true of iTunes as well. But the more they hear from you, the better! Hopefully they'll have some suggestions for you.

By the way, that contact link is also good if you've seen the show and like it... the folks at Logo love viewer feedback!

Thank you all so much for your support. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it... and I look forward to having much more to write in the future.


great new promo spot - and a little secret

Logo recently started running a really cool new promo spot for "Exes & Ohs." I've posted it on my home page so you can check it out... and please also keep checking the Logo XO page for even more content!

Just a few more days to go!!!

And if you can't wait - then I'm about to share a little secret with you that will make you REALLY happy: "Exes & Ohs" is already available on iTunes! Yep, that's right, you can download the pilot episode for FREE right now! So if Monday is too far away, then check it out! I hope you enjoy. :-)

coming to SF!

Greetings, San Franciscans! If you're out and about tomorrow night, why don't you come on by Mighty! at 119 Utah Street. I'm going to be making an appearance starting at 8pm - and screening the first two episodes of "Exes & Ohs!" For more information click here.

Hope to see you there!


one week to go!

One week to go until the October 8 premiere of "Exes & Ohs" on Logo!!

As a reminder, we premiere October 11 on Showcase.

And episodes will be available on iTunes the week of October 8, so be sure to check them out and download your favorites!

In the meantime, I've got some radio interviews coming up if you'd like to listen in:

** Oct 3 - 6:15pm PST - Lesbian Lounge, which streams over the Internet (so, presumably, you can listen in wherever you are in the world!)

** Oct 8 - 10:15am PST - Frank DeCaro Show on Sirius Satellite Radio

More info, updates, and news coming very, very soon.... :-)

p.s. A big thank you to Nico, who showed me how to do the links so that the new pages appear in pop-up windows rather than forcing you to leave the blog! Slowly but surely, I'm getting the hang of this technology thing!