
nearing the end of the road...

Three words for you: Picture is locked.

What do those three words mean, you may ask? Well, it means that we're done editing... no more changing scenes, tweaking moments, or adding music. Barry and Nate are doing their technical magic right now so that the finished product will look great and they should be done by Friday. Dave and Pam will then take a look at it one last time to make sure there aren't any unexpected glitches in the DVD, and then we'll send it off!!!! Yes, to New York. Yes, for The Decision.

And in the meantime, we'll wait...

I have no idea what the waiting will feel like, except that it won't feel much like waiting since I'll still be working on story ideas for season 1 and beyond. In fact, in order to not focus on the waiting part, I'll probably be focusing a lot on the writing part... :-)

We have our offices in the pink- and purple-walled MTV building through the end of the month, so I'll probably still be at work quite a bit (which will also make it feel like not waiting). But really, let's face it, we'll be waiting...

Now that we're near the end of this long road, I have a moment to look back and I can say in all honesty that it's been an amazing experience overall. I've learned a lot and the opportunity to go to work every day and be creative has been a dream come true. I'm so proud of the work I've done on this presentation--and proud of what my colleagues have done--and I know we have so much more in us that audiences would respond to... I hope we get that opportunity. Think happy thoughts for us. We're about to start waiting...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Michelle.
I hope you're able to keep yourself well stocked with the vanilla coffee creamer while you wait for The Decision.
Here's hoping from my end that The Decision is a big old YES! YES! YES!IT'S A GO!!!!!!
Good luck. I look forward to your posts.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry that i'm writing this slow, but i'm a total knot. i'm crossing everything i have hoping it helps. yes it's totally selfish but maybe you can profit of that =D and when will it be out on dvd, so me poor european cousin can see it?

good luck!

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, another week has gone by and a new one has begun. I hope your life is going well and you are still in your "offices in the pink- and purple-walled MTV building through the end of the month."
Since my last post here I had another birthday,feel much older but not necessarily wiser, and still know I'm looking forward to good news for you and "The Rules."
I'm selfish. I want to see much, much more of Jennifer Baker and friends. Still keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Good luck.
PS I hope you still have loads of the vanilla coffee creamer.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Rodent Control Warwick said...

Nice poost

3:50 AM  

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