
XO home page on Logo!

Good news! The "Exes & Ohs" home page is now front-and-center on the Logo web site. HOORAY!

There are video clips, photos, character bios, show summaries, cast and crew interviews and lots of other cool stuff - so check it out! And when you're on the video page, make sure you scroll all the way down so you don't miss anything.

And if you like what you see, click here and make sure you let the folks at Logo know. They LOVE viewer feedback - and so do we!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick drive by to come and tell ya'll something pretty amazing, and I see ANOTHER update.Yowza!!!
Anyway, I went into the living room just a few minutes ago to say something to my gf. Let me preface this with the fact that our tastes are quite different. She loves the History Channel, Discovery Channel, Biography, etc., while.. I don't.
I love films, she doesn't.
B. was watching Logo and a program about an Olivia cruise. She happened to mention that Logo was going to have a new show. She was trying to tell ME about "Exes & Ohs." :rofl: She mentioned the woman in it was "very cute." (That's you, MP).I started squeeling with happiness, and told her it was a 6 ep (thusfar) series based on "The Ten Rules," which I showed to her way, way back.
This is HUGE!!! For B. to show some enthusiasm about a television progam that's not "historical"is amazing.
I just wanted to share. :-)

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got an email from a very cool person today. Thanks!!
I'll be leaving in a few hours to head on out for vacation, so I won't be able to check in like usual. :-( However, I am happy to be able to actually get a vacation, so "YAY!!!" :-)
Ya'll be safe and take care of yourselves.

12:01 PM  

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